Self-catering Packs
Self-catering Packs
If you have self-catering accomodation and are based in Central Scotland, we can deliver fresh, locally sourced food, allowing you to create a luxury experience for your visitors.
Give your guests a warm welcome with our welcome packs. Includes morning essentials like Bread, Milk, Eggs, Butter, Jam & tea bags. We also have a Gluten Free & Vegan version available.
Whether it’s a fry up or a light breakfast your guests are looking for we can provide it. Our breafast feast has meat from our in-house butchers and sourced from local farms.
A healthy pack big enough for 4 people, includes grapes, bananas, plums, pears, kiwi & satsumas.
We have a luxury bbq pack & picnic pack available for the Summer season.
Our Burger kits include beef burger made by our in-house butchers and sourced from local farms as well as Brioche Buns, Bacon, Chips, Little Gem Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cheese Slices & Sauce Sachet. We also have a vegetarian version.
Made daily in our butchers, our range of ready meals that can be prepared quickly and easily include steak pie, chicken fajitas, macaroni & garlic break plus lots more!
Lanrick Tree Houses
"Blair Drummond Smiddy Farm Shop have been providing welcome packs
and pre-ordered food meals to our Treehouse accommodation for over a year now.
The staff at The Smiddy have always been super helpful in putting
together packs, and working alongside us, to create products that best suit our guests’ needs.
They are an added service our customers love to use. Guests rave
about their food on our Trip Advisor, and many go on to The Smiddy to buy more food for their stay.
We would recommend to any other businesses out there to use them too!”